January 25, 2025


National Society Daughters of
The American Revolution, (NSDAR)
Commodore John Barry Chapter

Established January 28, 2012

Greetings from our Florida
State Regent Elect, Cindy Addison!

Our 2023-2025 FSSDAR Conference Arrangements Committee team for the FSSDAR Regent Elect Cindy Addison Administration are excited to share her welcome letter and video introducing our new hotel location for the next 4 years! Congratulations FSSDAR Regent Elect Cindy Addison! ❤

Dear Florida Daughters:

Those of you who weren’t able to attend Florida’s 121st State Conference, Sunday Morning Business Session, might be wondering about the symbol, scripture and theme. The symbol will be the pineapple, the colonial symbol of welcome and hospitality. My Scripture will be Hebrews 13:2, the English Standard Version of the Bible. “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

Finally, the theme of my administration will be DAR Makes a Difference. I hope you enjoy this short video very much. Thanks to Teri Dioquino, Diane Libertini, Linda McCooey and Darrell Edmonds for helping to create this short video.

Rejoicing in the Ties of DAR Service and Friendship,
Cindy Addison

Cindy Addison, born in Toledo, Ohio, has been a DAR member since February 3, 1995, joining the Gettysburg Chapter with her mother. She transferred to London, England with her Navy husband (of 48
years) and worked as a Federal Civil Servant till her retirement as a GS13 in 2007. DAR’s many programs featuring all aspects of National Defense has enabled Cindy to serve Veterans and ActiveDuty personnel—her passion as a Navy wife.

After moving to Fleming Island, Florida in March 2007, Cindy discovered the Sophia Fleming Chapter, and joined the Chapter in 2008 when the Chapter had 30 members. Before long, she became
very active in the Chapter, serving as Vice Regent and Veterans Chair. She became Regent of the Chapter in May 2011. At the May 2013 meeting, the Chapter elected her Honorary Regent.

Cindy served as Florida Membership Chair from 2013-2015 during the Symanek Administration, and again in the Poffenberger Administration and as National Defense Committee Chair during the Yarbrough Administration. She was elected Florida State Historian 2017-2019 and served as the author/editor/compiler of the 2009-2019 FSSDAR 10 Year History Book! During the VanBuren Administration, Cindy served as the National Vice Chair for Membership—PMD. Cindy currently serves as the Florida State Vice Regent 2021 -2023, State Application Team Chair, DAR Speakers and Non-DAR Speakers Directory Chair and as the National Vice Chair for Master Reports Committee – CMR for the Wright Administration.

This website was designed and maintained by Jo Solley Hansen.
Contact: CommodoreJohnBarryDAR@gmail.com
Website last updated: August 2023
