February 13, 2025

What’s New at Commodore John Barry Chapter of NSDAR

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, NSDAR
Commodore John Barry Chapter

Regents Summer Missive

Dear Daughters,

Even though our meeting schedule ends in April, the end of the month and beginning of May were full of community activities. Kudos go out to Vicki Edwards for immediately jumping into her role as National Defense Chair and organizing our JROTC awards for the three high schools in our designated region, Bayside, Heritage, and Palm Bay High. I was able to attend two of those celebrations and was incredibly impressed with the programs and our recipients. I am so grateful that we didn’t miss this opportunity and to Vicki for stepping in to make it happen. As our chapter is chartered in Melbourne Beach, Commodore John Barry (CJB) chapter has continually supported the city’s Founder’s Day celebration the first Saturday in May. Teresa Winter, Karen Lucas and Dian Croce staffed a DAR table with Teresa in period costume. Dayle Hinman Farrell was the Ryckman House docent for the day. Thank you for representing our chapter!

May also offered two opportunities to support our veterans. The touring Vietnam Wall Memorial came to Wickham Park and I presented and displayed our CJB wreath for the opening ceremony and introduced a pin ceremony by the attending DAR members at the closing ceremony. Deb Plaag
graciously took on the task of organizing the Locater Booth for the entire week with Courtney Aaron,
Jessica Ormsby, Sandra Gunthorpe Orr, Shirley Mikelonis, and Beatrice Showman helping to staff the booth. This is a very moving experience for those attending and I am so glad our chapter actively
supports this effort.

Traditionally the Brevard SAR Chapter hosts a Flag Day Luncheon this year joined with Phillip Perry Chapter. Several CJB members attended, Deb Plagg, Sherry Yates, and myself. CJB was well
represented at the flag retirement ceremony held at The Liberty Bell Museum on June 14 including Gail Anderson, Dayle Hinman Farrell, Deb Plaag, Tammy Sandberg, Jo Solley Hansen, and me. Thank you for supporting these celebrations. I know it seems early to be thinking about the Christmas holiday season but Wreaths Across America needs our help! Sponsoring a wreath is only $17 and is a beautiful and meaningful tribute to those who served our country. Please consider sponsoring a wreath.
Have a wonderful 4th of July and a glorious summer!

Blessings, Regent Stephany Eley