National Society Daughters of
the American Revolution, (NSDAR)
Commodore John Barry Chapter

Our CJB Registrar created this list to remember our
member’s patriots who fought in the American Revolution.

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The National Society Daughters of The American Revolution, (NSDAR) has established the America 250! to plan DAR involvement during our nation’s upcoming Semiquincentennial (250th) Birthday.
All members are encouraged to go to the DAR website at and click on MEMBERS at the top of the page then sign in with your DAR membership number. Click on COMMITTEES to find America 250! Once on the America 250! page click on OUR PATRIOTS and PATRIOT HIGHLIGHTS. There you will find all kinds of useful information including templates for you to fill out with your Patriot’s information. Then you can share them with the chapter by saving them and emailing them to our VIS Chair and they will be featured on this CJB America 250! page.
Check out the Patriot Post Newsletter for other great ideas and the Patriot Minute for quick history lessons.